When spring is in the air in Japan and iron storm by Russia were starting to cover Ukraine, the author has released several articles on this web site, basing on population genetics papers which clearly indicate the ineffable aberrant structure of Korean gene. It is at the heart of genetic research for an isolated and homogeneous ethnic population that analyzing of inherent variants and the frequency of the gene provides more information for promoting mental and physical health of the population. To my regret, figuratively speaking, I feel that Korean's gene indisputably are as if scammer's gene, considering that it is now feasible to obtain deep whole genome sequencing data. What if in the event that Koreans gene spread over the world, humankind shall be filled with lie and scam, like Korean peninsula.
Korean actress

We, humans around the world, should know the fact that The Koreans carry strange genetic architecture.
Please strongly keep in your minds that the following quotations from population genetics paper clearly indicates peculiarity of The Koreans gene.[Citation from population genetics paper#1]
Based on our analysis, we hypothesize that Koreans might have different responses to the above mentioned terms-related drugs, when compared to other populations.
Therefore, we rationally conjectured that Korean only SNVs prevalent across many of the individuals would be more important for treating Koreans differently from other populations in the personalized medicine.
Therefore, we inferred that special attention should be made for the Korean population when treated for the above mentioned terms related diseases, since other populations did not carry those Korean only SNVs.
United States Department of State do make a warning to young women's journeys to South Korea about sexual assault. Please strongly note that the United States don't make same warning to other countries (i.e. China, Japan etc.)

What is "family-destroying criminals"?

Stupid lie and scam by Koreans who lies all the time like breathing because of aberrant structure in DNA
Historical facts

Looking N.W. along a street in the native (old) Pusan, Korea 1904 year

White-robed pottery peddlers on the streets of Seoul, Korea 1906 year

Little Korean girls, of the middle class, in the northern suburbs of Seoul, Korea 1904 year
Could you understand ?
Please gaze red circle, and please remember that it's 1904=20th century !

1886 year? photographer name:Hayashi, Northwest entrance gate to Seoul, Korea
It nauseously are the most absurd lie and scam

Please note that Koreans male keeps hitting his wife with keeping his composure and no rage in spite of son's violent crying.
According to the following genetics papers, genetic structure of Koreans are very strange and unique in the following four points,1.Koreans have high percentages of non-synonymous variants compared with other ethnic population (The Japanese, The chinese etc)

2.As opposed to the other ethnic population (The Japanese, The Chinese, etc.), variants which are inherent to Koreans extremely biased to the parts of Koreans.

4. The overwhelming majority of variants which are inherent to Koreans have relation to mental diseases, personality disorders and human mentality. Please visit for details.

Strange phenomenon in South Korea
Total fertility rate in South Korea is aberrant !
South Korea continue to broke their own record over a past decade of low total fertility rate i.e.the average number of children born to a woman during her reproductive years, reflecting societal problems and completely abnormal university entrance exam in South Korea.
Although it's conundrum that why South Korea women doesn't want to has child, there could be no dispute that only competition in university entrance exam is fair competition in South Korea. Therefore, they must spend huge money for enrolling into prestigious university, and pupils in high school are forced to learning for long hours every day.
Please strongly keep in minds South Korea indicates tremendously low figure in total fertility rate, South Korea continue in "War-Time" but not "Peace-Time".
Korean Actress

Suicide rates is the highest in the world

A great majority of researchers in South Korea make a pretext of that old Koreans indicates high suicide rate compared with adorescen why suicide rate in South Korea is the heighest in the world.
However, in part due to deliberate focus on suicide rate, the essence that Koreans carry inherent variants about MDD(major depressive disease) ultimately shall be disappear.
It is complete and scientific fact and is beyond all doubts that the Koreans carry numerous brain-related variants inherent to the Koreans which might be the cause of Koreans specific mental disorder i.e "Hwabyung" , and please understand that it is never racism and taunts to Koreans.
The exact investigation by OECD clearly indicates the fact of The Koreans intellectual ability
A great majority of Koreans have a daydream that "we are an excellent ethnic group", therefore, Koreans explicitly show contemptuous attitudes that "stupid people like Southeast Asia's people should be obedient to excellent people like Koreans". As the natural result, Southeast Asia's people who frequently and dairy contact with Koreans hate Koreans.However, there is the following clear data in "Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)" by OECD (The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) !

Please awake and stand up Thailanders, Vietnamese and Filipino to The Koreans gene !
Aberrant obsession to cosmetic surgery
I don't know cosmetic surgery expenditure of BTS members(BTS=Bangtan Boys), but it is beyond all doubts that BTS members did plastic surgery.Cited from paper[1]
This article explores the unusually high levels of cosmetic surgery in South Korea – for both women and men.
South Korean’ alleged ‘obsession’ with cosmetic surgery regularly hits headlines both in Asia and the ‘West’ because of its reportedly high take-up rate by both women and men.
Cosmetic surgery and skin treatment clinics are now commonplacein urban shopping malls, viewed much like nail and beauty salons in the UK, and providing procedures such as laser removal ofblemishes to 'walk-in’ customers.

Gender, Globalizationand Aesthetic Surgeryin South Korea
Ruth Holliday(proffessor in University of Leed and Joanna Elfving-Hwang Curtin University
May 2012
This article explores the unusually high levels of cosmetic surgery in South Korea – for both women and men. South Korean’ alleged ‘obsession’ with cosmetic surgery regularly hits headlines both in Asia and the ‘West’ because of its reportedly high take-up rate by both women and men. Cosmetic surgery and skin treatment clinics are now commonplacein urban shopping malls, viewed much like nail and beauty salons in the UK, and providing procedures such as laser removal ofblemishes to 'walk-in’ customers.
No winners of famous scientific prizes
There are no winners of all sixty-three famous scientific prizes in South Korea, despite of high education revel ratio and large population size.South Korea | Japan | Taiwan | |
prizes winner | 0 | at least over 220 | at least over 11 |
population size | 50M | 125M | 25M |
Please visit for details.
From population genetics paper
According to several population genetics papers, it is beyond all doubts that the genetic structure of Koreans is astonishingly unique and strange.Koreans have high percentages of non-synonymous variants compared with other ethnic population (the Japanese, the chinese etc)
Cited from population genetics paper #2A subset of the nsSNPs showed remarkably high allele frequencies among the Koreans studied compared to other populations, including Europeans and west Africans represented in the HapMap project.
Cited from population genetics paper #1
In contrast with the SNVs common to other populations in HapMap and 1KGP, the Korean only SNVs had high percentages of non-silent variants, emphasizing the unique roles of these Korean only SNVs in the Korean population.
Cited from population genetics paper #4
The portion of non-synonymous SNVs in the ‘1000GP rare’ class was more than twice what was observed in the other classes.
It is possible that these patterns are associated with purifying selection to rapidly remove deleterious alleles in the population
As opposed to the other ethnic population, variants which are inherent to Koreans extremely biased to the parts of Koreans.
Cited from population genetics paper #1Figure 2b shows that nearly 60.59 % (735,271) of Korean only SNVs are observed in only one individual, while 1.04% (12,640) of Korean only SNVs are observed in all 35 individuals. Therefore, we rationally conjectured that Korean only SNVs prevalent across many of the individuals would be more important for treating Koreans differently from other populations in the personalized medicine.

Cited from population genetics paper #3

MAF(minor allele frequency) clearly differs from the other ethnic population, includingthe Japanese, the Chinese.
Believe it or not, the variants distribution of Koreans completely differ from The Japanese in spite of same East Asians, and needless to say, differs from other populations too, please see below cited contents.12859_2014_6653_MOESM5_ESM.jpg from population genetics paper #1

The overwhelming majority of variants which are inherent to Koreans have relation to mental diseases, personality disorders and human mentality.
Gene Name |
# of SNV-1 | Mental disoreder Mental traits neuropsychiatric diseases |
1786 | schizophrenia paper[9] paper[52] paper[115] paper[116] paper[141] paper[142] paper[148] paper[165] paper[170] bipolar disorder paper[66] paper[148] paper[165] general cognitive ability paper[116] paper[138] autism paper[137 amygdala connectivity and prosocial behavior paper[139] Neuropsychological effects paper[140] Many other related papers have been released. |
1272 | intelligence paper[168] paper[169] insomnia paper[161] autism paper[165] aggressive behavior paper[100] psychiatric disorders and related traits paper[5] paper[167] paper[121] Aggressiveness, Personality, and Alcohol Use Disorder paper[122] Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder paper[123] Aggressive Behavior paper[124] schizophrenia (the neuronspecific RNA splicing regulator) paper[125] Many other related papers have been released. |
Please visit for details.
Name: Kazuo Ueda (resercher of Korean history)
Country: Japan

population genetics paper #1 (FDA paper)
Whole genome sequencing of 35 individuals provides insights into the genetic structure of Korean population
Wenqian Zhang et al.
Published: 21 October 2014

population genetics paper #1 (FDA paper)
Whole genome sequencing of 35 individuals provides insights into the genetic structure of Korean population
Wenqian Zhang et.al
Published: 21 October 2014
In contrast with the SNVs common to other populations in HapMap and 1KGP, the Korean only SNVs had high percentages of non-silent variants, emphasizing the unique roles of these Korean only SNVs in the Korean population.
Specifically, we identified 8,361 non-synonymous Korean only SNVs, of which 58 SNVs existed in all 35 Korean individuals.
Based on our analysis, we hypothesize that Koreans might have different responses to the above mentioned terms-related drugs, when compared to other populations.
Therefore, we rationally conjectured that Korean only SNVs prevalent across many of the individuals would be more important for treating Koreans differently from other populations in the personalized medicine.
Therefore, we inferred that special attention should be made for the Korean population when treated for the above mentioned terms related diseases, since other populations did not carry those Korean only SNVs.
According to the SNV compositions (Figure 3), we found that the most prevalent changes in all three SNV sets was C:G->T:A transition, the same trend as the raw base substitution mutational spectrum in humans [42]. In addition, we found that Korean SNVs and SNV-1 occurred more frequently at C/G base pairs, which was consistent with previous findings [42]. Nevertheless, almost half of SNV-35 mutations occurred at T/A base pairs.

population genetics paper #2
Extensive genomic and transcriptional diversity identifiedthrough massively parallel DNA and RNA sequencing of eighteen Korean individuals
Young Seok Ju et.al
A subset of the nsSNPs showed remarkably high allele frequencies among the Koreans studied compared to other populations, including Europeans and west Africans represented in the HapMap project.
We found a subset of genes to be highly enriched for nsSNPs, here called super nsSNP genes
population genetics paper #3
Analysis of protein-coding genetic variation in 60,706 humans
Monkol Lek et.al
Nature 17 August 2016
Deleterious variants are expected to have lower allele frequencies than neutral ones, due to negative selection. This theoretical property has been demonstrated previously in human population sequencing data12,13 and here (Fig. 1d, e).
population genetics paper #4
Korean National Standard Reference Variome database of whole genomes with comprehensive SNV, indel, CNV, and SV analyses
Nature Published: 04 April 2018
Jungeun Kim et.al
Surprisingly, however, roughly half of the variants in ‘1000GP low frequency’ were classified as ‘frequent in KoVariome’.
Despite their close geographic proximity, the Korean population was shown to be genetically distinct from the Chinese and Japanese populations, highlighting the need for a Korean-specific variome to accurately identify rare disease variants in this population.
population genetics paper #5
Korean Genome Project: 1094 Korean personal genomes with clinical information
Science Advances 27 May 2020
Sungwon Jeon et.al